Saturday, March 25, 2017

On Why Do They Hate Me?

I have 118 Facebook friends. I am not a 'collector'. At one time, before the political wasteland hit last fall, I had 123. One deleted her Facebook last fall for personal reasons. Three of them I unfriended because they never stopped reposting truly offensive political/gender memes. One unfriended me because I decided to try my old hand at growing pot, now that it’s legal here.

I use the Friends lists feature in Facebook. Sometime last fall, I divided my friends into to lists – Trump and Trumpnot. I use those lists on occasion to avoid posting or sharing things that would offend someone in one or the other list. Sometimes I forget. I'm sorry.

A dozen of my friends are old ones from around these parts, folks I worked with, folks I played with. The 102 that remain are a nice mix of roughly 1/3 blood relatives to one degree or another, 1/3 genealogy and lineage group friends, and 1/3 old friends from high school. There are crossovers, of course. Many of the genealogy group are bound by blood to me, and vice versa. Same for lineage groups.

Together, my friends are a mix of liberals and conservatives; Democrats, Republicans, and Independents; Christians, Jews, and none-of-the-above. They are spread from England, across America, to Australia. Most of them are tolerant of divergent views. A few are not. Two or three are Calvinists and believe in the total marriage of church and state. (Fortunately, the Constitution protects us from that, so I don't have to argue with them.) 

Most of them know we don’t see eye-to-eye on one thing or another, but we have enough in common to agree on nearly everything else, or at least have no opinion.

But, at least five of these people hate me, and maybe they don’t even know it. I have been trying to assess just why those folks want to see my grandchildren suffer from lack of insurance, lack of clean water, lack of clean air, lack of a needed bootstrap if life turns sour. There is other damage they want to do to my grandchildren, but those are the four that concern me the most.

I have reviewed them by gender, category, economics, and lifestyle. I think I finally have figured it out. They don’t hate me, so much as they don’t identify at all with my place in this world. They are mostly self-centered folks, too. Each of them wants to be the center of their world, the lodestone of their community, the reason for the party, if you will.

First, I am going to let my cousin in Florida off the hook. He is a self-made millionaire. He came from ordinary middle-America and worked hard to achieve all he has. He is a conscientious Roman Catholic. He gives generously to charities, tithes his money and time to the Church. He simply needs a business-friendly administration in Washington to continue building his fortune, and is willing to take the bitter with the better. He needn’t worry about his grandchildren’s health care or their environment, though I would bet he does worry about them. He’d set them up in Canada or Ireland or anywhere without contaminated air and water, if the need arose. He’d pay for their illnesses and surgeries, and even their chemo and rehab. If he knew my own core family was in dire straits, he would provide help in a heartbeat, though I’d never ask. He is always kind and never offensive. He is ultra-conservative in his business, and generous in the extreme with his family and community. He gets a pass.

Of the remaining four – all are limited in what they read and view – and all are egocentric. They are predictable, and sometimes boring on Facebook because they share memes, and only memes, to make political points. Not a one of them has ever posted a personal opinion with back-up sources. Not a one of them has ever posted a link to a reliable media article that might lead to my better understanding of their feelings and positions. I know that all of them are literate, and could do better than that.

Two who hate me are women who espouse extreme and vocal disregard for those things I hold dear, and are quick to criticize my views. They both had government sector careers. Neither will be needing Social Security. They both are childless women who feel they have nothing invested in the future of the planet, no need to care if it lasts past their own lifespans.

I have many relatives and friends who are childless, but still they care about leaving a clean planet behind. They have nieces, nephews, and neighbors and care about their futures. It’s only these two specific women who think that when they exit, it doesn’t matter who else is coming down the road. They have no idea why not everyone sees things their way.

The other two who hate me are men who had lifetime military careers and will have lifetime pensions and medical care. One of the two has inherited wealth that will outlive him, no matter how fast or how much he spends. Both of these men have children and grandchildren. Neither of them are the least concerned about possibly leaving a trashed planet to their grandchildren.

I’ve known both of these men for six decades or more.  Their disregard for environmental conservation appalls me. I hope someday to understand why they don’t care that their descendants may be drinking contaminated water or breathing smog. Perhaps the military lifestyle encouraged them to feel at when their days are done, the mission is complete – the next person in the barrel can worry about things in a world they no longer have to abide. Perhaps their careers kept them away from home for so long, their children are strangers who don't matter in the grand scheme of all things 'Mother Earth'.

I am no longer perplexed by the stubborn ones, the careless ones, the selfish ones who can’t be bothered to think of any future other than their own. For them, the ‘greater good’ applies only on the inside of their own front door. I still like sharing a piece of their daily lives, their families, their pets, their vacations, their ancestral 'finds' -- the things we have in common. I just won't count on them to seek a clean environment and reliable health care for either my family or their own.

They dislike me because I do care? By George, I think I’ve got it!